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Yetta and Angus Hunts Sirius
Buyer's friends first duck

Litters/Started Dogs

*** 2025 Planned Litters***

Cedars Point just updated this page 3/9/25.

We revised planned for litters in 2025 to reflect current plans for our "H" and "I" Litters.

Planned litters for 2025 follow the Started Dog listing immediately below.

Buyers interested must complete Puppy Buyer Questionnaire for the litter of interest. 

 Feel free to call us if you have questions.

***Started Dog(s)***

We do not have any started dogs available at the moment.



Cedars Point H Litter Announcement

***Proposed Spring/Summer 2025***

NatCH Riavas Miss Dakota-Soda

VC IntCH Brush Dales Triple Threat-Tito

Deposits full until litter hits ground

H Litter Puppy Buyer Questionnaire here


This pairing holds great promise.  Riavas Miss Dakota-Soda was whelped in Alberta Canada in December of 2018, a product of Diava Vom Heideschloss, a German Import and Pixer Jixer VD Chesannehof renouned stud from the Netherlands.

Soda pup, or so much pup as we often refer to her is a stunning brown and white ticked photogenic pleaser and poser.  She turns heads with a beautiful shiny coat with correct furnishing from head to toe.  She presents a well muscled and boned German frame and weights in at a surprising 55 pounds.  She received four V1(Superior) confirmation evaluations and her National Champion title at the International All Breeds Canine Rocky Mountain Seeger in 2018 held in Greeley Colorado.


Soda is a natural hunter and retriever and scored a maximum prize 1 NAVHDA NA test at 12 months of age.  She's close running in the forest making her ideally suited for ruffed grouse and woodcock, though she's also been exceptional due to staunch point and great nose on prairie grouse, Hungarian partridge and pheasant.   She ran her NAVHDA Utility Test at 3 years 6 months scoring maximum in her field work.  The duck search and marked retrieve were the only two areas where she faltered.  She scored a respectable no pass, 167.  All her training was done without the use of an  e-collar as pressure in not a motivator for her.  As mentioned before she's a pleaser. 

Soda loves people, other dogs and is a wonderful family companion.  She's an absolute lover and cuddler in the home! 

VC IntCH Brush Dale's Triple Threat -Tito was born at Brush Dale on April of 2017 as part of the T Litter, a NAVHDA Natural Ability Award litter. Tito's sire is IntCH Brush Dale's Doggone Right-Scout and his dam is IntCH Brush Dale's Escape Artist-Bella. Tito is owned by Hunter Kamm of Plymouth, Minnesota.

Tito has a beautiful, sleek, dense, soft, brown & white coat with extensive furnishings. His coat is correct for a Small Munsterlander, being fairly short and tight on the body with feathering on the tail, ears, forelegs and hind legs. He has almond-shaped, medium brown eyes and a high earset. Tito has never had pad nor feet issues, even when hunted extensively. He can hunt for many hours over several consecutive days without tiring, a testament to his excellent Breed conformation, stamina and conditioning.

Hunter is an avid outdoors-man who hunts Tito as much as possible, usually three or more days per week during the peak of the season. Tito hunted during his first season in 2017 at age 4 months old. He showed strong a pointing instinct at a young age, making it possible to harvest many types of wild birds over him before he was 6 months old. During 2018 and 2019, Tito hunted more than 100 days each season from September-February and in April for Spring Woodcock banding. During the 2019 season, 257 wild birds were harvested over Tito, all of which were retrieved to hand!

Tito is truly a versatile dog who hunts grouse, woodcock, pheasant, quail, sharptails, doves, pigeons, squirrels, rabbits, sandhill cranes, Canadian geese, snow geese and ducks. He has a correct point for a Small Munsterlander and has scent laut on fur. Tito has been hunting in 8 States and is a certified Woodcock Banding dog for the Minnesota DNR. Hunter and Tito hold a special certification and permit to locate, point and tag young broods of woodcock in the Spring.

Tito runs with style and elegance. He hunts systematically and methodically, whether in the field or woods, and paces himself. His range is dependent upon the terrain and quarry being hunted. When hunting Sharptail and prairie birds out West, he will quarter at 40-80 yards, covering a lot of ground. In the grouse and woodcock woods he rarely ranges past 40 yards. His hunting style and range has developed naturally through a lot of wild bird exposure and countless days afield. Tito and Hunter have learned to hunt as a team, identifying objectives and covering ground to harvest fur and feather together.

Tito is the second Small Munsterlander Hunter has trained and tested in the NAVHDA system. Tito earned a Prize I with a maximum score of 112 in his NAVHDA Natural Ability Test at age 12 months. In his NAVHDA Utility Preparatory Test at age 2 he earned a Prize III with a score of 165. He earned a Prize I in his NAVHDA Utility Test in August 2020 and ran in the Invitational in 2021! He ran UT again in 2022 earning a Prize I and became a NAVHDA Versatile Champion in 2023. He is easy going, easy to train and eager to please with an even disposition, sound temperament and a highly cooperative nature. These attributes are what undoubtedly made him so easy to mold into an outstanding hunting companion.

Tito has an excellent nose, which is uses to track persistently and methodically to find wounded birds. During the tracking portion of NAVHDA Natural Abilities Test, one of the judges said Tito completed one of the finest tracks he had ever seen for a young dog. Now that dogs may be used to track and recover wounded deer in Minnesota, Hunter and Tito will be helping their deer hunting friends find their missing deer beginning in the Fall of 2020.

He is a natural retriever who retrieved to hand as a puppy with only mild encouragement. Hunter recalls a trout fishing trip with Tito as a puppy when he found and carried a deer leg over a mile back to the truck. Tito loves retrieving the newspaper from the driveway every day. On countless late season goose trips, Tito has proven his retrieving ability, even compared to 80+ pound Labs. (As a big Lab, it's hard to get the retrieve when you're not fast enough to be the first one to the bird!) A retrieve Hunter vividly remembers was on a wounded goose that went down at least 400 yards away in a sugar beet field in Montana. Without hesitation, the "little guy" in the group of dogs that day marked, tracked and retrieved the goose. Another memorable retrieve was a goose that went down amongst cattle feeding in a feed lot. None of the other dogs would go near the cattle to retrieve it, but Tito bolted under the cows' legs, grabbed the goose and hustled out of there to retrieve it to hand. Some might call that retrieve an act of stupidity, but Hunter calls it being bold and having a relentless desire to retrieve downed game.

Tito loves the water and willingly retrieves from it, regardless of weather conditions. Warm or cold, it doesn't stop him. The one thing he will not do unless absolutely necessary is jump from a dock or boat. He hesitates, looks for a better way to enter and takes the safest route. Like his grandmother, KD, and father, Scout, he is not a hard charger into the water, but is calculating and deliberate. This is a "thinking" dog. Tito has done numerous 25-minute duck searches, proving his persistence, endurance and strength as a swimmer.

Tito is calm, patient and relaxed in the home or a vehicle. He is not much of a watch dog, because he rarely barks, even when people ring the door bell. Tito hikes and camps with Hunter frequently and has been on 4 BWCA/Quetico canoe trips. Their longest trip lasted 10 days and they traveled over 150 miles. Tito's compact size allows him to fit perfectly in a canoe or the kayak they frequently hunt from. Tito will also Skijorn with Hunter on cross-country skiis on the lake or run alongside his fatbike on winter trails.

When Hunter got Tito as a 10-week-old puppy, he made the mistake of comparing him to his first Small Munsterlander. He thought something was wrong with Tito. One day, while driving in the car with Tito, Hunter called his parents to discuss his concern that Tito was too mellow to be the hard-running hunting dog he wanted. Tito didn't slobber all over the windows or whine with excitement. Rather, he just sat in the front passenger seat and rode calmly and quietly, like a human, the entire ride to the lake. Hunter never thought a dog with such a laid back personality in the home could switch into a driven hunter in the field.


Soda's Stats:

NAVHDA# SM-004859

AKC SS18999101
Color: Brown & White TKD
Height: 21.75" / 55.25cm
Length: 25" / 63.5 cm
Weight: 54 lbs
NAVHDA NA:  112 PZ1, UT 167 NP
N-4 S-4 W-4 P-4 T-4 D-4 C-4

UT:14441 4444 42433

NAVHDA NA Breeders Award (1)
OFA SMU-263G27F-VPI-Good


IABCA: NatCH Title 2021
Dam: BB's Aster

NAVHDA# SM-004754
Color: Roan
Height: 52.07cm
Length:  57cm
Weight: 48 lbs
NAVHDA NA: 110 PZ1 UT: 156 NP

NA: N-4 S-4 W-4 P-4 T-3 D-4 C-4

UT: 33442 43132 43432

OFA: SMU-257G27F-VPI-Good

DNA NAV- GS487368

IABCA: NatCH Title 2021

Sire: Pixer Jixer VD Chesannehof


Color: Brown TKD


DNA NAV- GS478697

Contact Jeff Mizenko at 425 241-7788

Click on image for pedigree


Tito's Stats:

NAVHDA# SM-004365

Color Brown & White

Height: 20.5" / 53 cm

Weight: 45 lobs

NAVHDA NA 112 PZ1, UPT 165 PZ3, UT 200 PZ1, IT 195

NA N-4 S-4 W-4 P-4 T-4 D-4 C-4


UT: 43334 44444 44444

NAVHDA IT 195 Pass

IT: 43444 44444 44 43

NAVHDA Test Report here

NAVHDA Sire Report  here

NAVHDA NA Breeders Award (1)

OFA SMU-260E46M-VPI Excellent

DNA-NAV- GS502821

IABCA: IntCH Title 2019

Sire: Brush Dale's Doggone Right

​NAVHDA SM003156

Color: Brown and White

NAVHDA NA Breeders Awards (2)

Dam: Brush Dale's Escape Artrist

NAVHDA SM-003218

Color: Brown and White

NAVHDA NA Breeders Award (1)


Contact Hunter Kamm 612 877-0005


Click on image for pedigree

Click here for IABCA judge critiques

Click here for additional images

Cedars Point Yetta hunting mid winter
Cedars Point Kennel-Cedar getting it done on huns in Montana


Cedars Point I Litter Announcement​

***Proposed Summer/Fall 2025***

IntCH Brush Dale's You Can't Fence Me In

IntCH Gosch's Cir Conn

Currently Accepting Qualified Interest in this Pairing

I Litter Puppy Buyer Questionnaire here.

This litter pairing will be their fourth time rolling in the hay.  


Brush Dale's You Can't Fence Me In-Yetta and Gosch's Cir Conn have been the highest producing breeders of our kennel. Their first two litters, our A and C litters, turned out incredibly well rounded pups-pups who have been shown and titled, pups who have been hunt tested titled and earned CPK NAVHDA Breeders Awards, and pups who continue to be field sensations today.  Yetta and Cedar's third litter pairing, our G litter, will be natural ability testing this summer/fall with a reasonable representation of the litter already scheduled to run.  Cedars Point Kennel kept a pup out of this G litter pairing-Glitzy Spitz.  We are currently grooming her for as a breeding prospect.  Both Cedar and Yetta's NAVHDA progeny reports are provided as a link in their stats section below.


Brush Dale's You Can't Fence In-Yetta is a beautiful representation of the female side of the breed.  She has a soft, dense brown and white coat with correct furnishings.  Her head is sleekly feminine, solid brown with medium dark eyes and a correct ear set.  Her muscle and bone density are medium to light in build which allows her to cover all hunting terrain with ease and grace.  She's like the wind afield with a relentless prey drive.  We often refer to her as Yetta-monsta.  She weighs in at 36lbs and her height at the withers is just shy of standard at 20.25" or 51cm.  Yetta received her International Champion title in show through International All Breeds Canine Association and was recognized as Rare Breed Best In Show at the same event.  


As a hunters when both are run in a brace we refer to the two them as the gauntlet.  If there's game present they will find it.


Yetta is as tough as nails.  She is also highly intelligent and uses this to her advantage afield.  She has a staunch point, flawless retrieve, and covers ground like no other.  This makes her an exceptional versatile companion whether it be prairie, forest or water.  She's been hunted on pheasant, prairie grouse-chicken and sharptail, roughed grouse, fowl, goose, quail, chuckar, woodcock, and hungarian partridge in MN, SD, WY, MT and CA.  Yetta ran her NAVHDA NA test at 12 months of age, the same weekend as our other female breed stock, achieving a maximum score.  She ran her NAVHDA Utility test in peak estrus still scoring a respectable 157 no prize.  Her wheels came off in steadiness and the duck search.  She has produced three litters with Cedar, two of which achieved NAVHDA NA Breeders Awards.  The third litter will test this summer and with great buyer prep we hope to achieve the same  results on her third litter with Cedar.  One of their pups from the A litter-Angus Hunts Sirius scored a maximum NAVHDA NA test at 4 months of age and is currently the youngest Small Munsterlander to achieve this accolade in the history of the breed in North American-roughly 27 years.


In the home she'a hilarious greeting Jeff daily with a bone in her mouth, a full body wag and talking up her welcome like chewbacca of Star Wars.  She has a exceptional off button otherwise.  She's are kennel protector alarm barking where necessary.

Gosch's Cir Conn-Cedar is our Kennel's once in a lifetime companion.  He will be 10 years of age in May.  Cedar is a rare, caped roan Small Munsterlander who's almost entirely brown, less a faintly white handerchief around this neck/fore withers.  He is an exceptionally well muscled and structurally sound male, though he stands at severe fault for height or 22.5".  He weighs in at a fit 56 lbs, has a masculine head with nice stop, dark eyes, and correct ear set.  His greying chin gives him character.  His coat is dense and harsh with correct furnishings all around.  At our first ever show he was awarded both his International title and Reserve Rare Breed Best In Show.  He's the namesake of our Kennel, and the most gentle and loving friend.

As a hunter he's Jeff's go to.  At 12 months of age he earned a Prize II, 101in the NAVHDA Natural Ability test.  Where he didn't perform was based on first time handler error.  Two weeks later he took first place in the SMCNA Bird Derby-Puppy Division.  In fact, he was the only dog that day from all three divisions, roughly 30 dogs, to point and retrieve four birds to hand in less than 20 minutes.  It was a difficult day for scenting with winds of 25+mph and dry conditions.  Tom McDonald, the then Breed Council President who gunned for us, made it clear that Cedar needed to be approved for breeding with his field covering and exceptional confirmation, but more importantly a nose like no other.  Our current slogan is, "Cedars Point Started It All."  Maybe it should have been his "nose?"  Cedar has proven himself afield on every species he's hunted.  He's a cooperative fluid, ground covering hunter who changes his search coverage based on terrain.  He's loud and fir-both scent and site and has been a relentless retriever since a pup.  He's a proven stud that passes on strong heritable genes in use of nose, pointing, cooperation, desire to work, tracking and water.  He's been advanced hunt tested in both NAVHDA and the Versatile Hunting Dog Federation.  His test scores are below and were achieved under the efforts of a first time handler.  He's sired eight litters, four of them have been awarded NAVHDA NA Breeders Awards.  His progeny report is provided in his stats below as well.  Litter sired that weren't awarded simply didn't test and were produced by other breeders.

In our home Cedar's a calm and friendly lover and snuggler.  He puts Jeff to bed every night with a kiss and places his head on Jeff's chest.  In the morning, five minutes before the alarm goes off he greets Jeff before facing a new day the same way. 


If you're interested in a pup from this litter pairing please complete the Puppy Buyer Questionnaire provided in the link just below this paragraph.  Once the questionnaire has been received we will call to discuss your interest.  Let us know if you have any questions.

I Litter Puppy Buyer Questionnaire here.


Yetta's Stats:

NAVHDA# SM-004834

AKC SS18942501
Color: Brown and White
Height: 20.25" / 51.44 cm
Length: 22.275" / 56.58 cm
Weight: 36 lbs
NAVHDA NA:  112 PZ1 UT: 157 NP
N-4 S-4 W-4 P-4 T-4 D-4 C-4

UT:14442 44134 43422

Dam of NAVHDA NA Breeders Awards (2)
Penn Hip: R.24 L.23


IABCA: IntCH, Rare Breed Adult Best In Show
Dam: Brush Dale's Escape Artist

NAVHDA SM-003218

Color: Brown and White


Dam of NAVHDA NA Breeders Award (1)
Sire: Fuglejaeger Dixon

NAVHDA SM_004151

AKC: SR98806801

Color: Roan
NAVHDA NA: 110 PZ1, UT201 PZ1, IT 168 None

VHDF: HAE 65, AHAE 176


JGHV: VJP 75, HZP 168

Penn Hip: R.30 L.27


Sire of NAVHDA NA Breeders Awards (3)

Contact Jeff Mizenko at 425 241-7788

Click on image above for pedigree
Yetta's Progeny Report here


Cedar's Stats:

NAVHDA# SM-003737

AKC SS185441001

Color: Roan
Height: 22.5" / 57.15 cm
Length: 24" / 60.96 cm
Weight: 56 lbs
NAVHDA NA: 101 PZ2, UT197 PZ2

NA: N-4 S-4 W-3 P-4 T-3 D-3 C-4

UT: 34444 4444 44443


Sire of NAVHDA NA Breeders Award Litter (4)
OFA: SMU-198G24M-VPI-Good

IABCA: IntCH, Rare Breed Reserve Adult Best in Show

Dam: Gosch's Nicolett

NAVHDA# SM-002290

Color: Brown and White

Penn Hip: R.34, L.36

Dam of NAVHDA NA Breeders Award Litter (2)
Sire: Robingun's All About Lucky

NAVHDA# SM-003302

Color: Roan


Penn Hip R.33, L.30

Sire of NAVHDA NA Breeders Award Litter (1)

Product of NAVHDA NA Breeders Award Litter


Contact Jeff Mizenko at 425 241-7788

Click on image above for pedigree
Cedar's Progeny Reporting here

Cedars Point F Litter Announcement Summer 2023

NatCH Riavas Miss Dakota-Soda

Lakewood's Faithful Oswald -Oz

Successfully tied week of 4/16/23

Litter confirmed by ultrasound 5/31/23

9 puppies arrived 6/22/23

All puppies are sold

This pair are both dandies.  NatCH Miss Dakota is the product of a German Import Diava Vom Heideschloss and a Netherlands stud that was tested, shown and bred internationally, a multi-country powerhouse, Pixer Jixer VD Chesannehof.  Diava's first three litters were NAVHDA NA Breeders Award Litters.  In fact, her daughter Soda followed suit with a NAVHDA NA breeders award and a pup who was also approved by the SMCA for breeding.  On the other side of the pair Oz comes from proven hunt tested and hunting parents boasting two VC's and four UT invites who qualified for the Invitational, three received a NP and the other forwent run.  Both dogs in this pairing are exceptional hunters taking advantage of their correct structure to bring game to the table.  Feel free to call either owner if you would like more information on the pup.


Soda's Stats:

NAVHDA# SM-004859

AKC SS18999101
Color: Brown & White TKD
Height: 21.75" / 55.25cm
Length: 25" / 63.5 cm
Weight: 54 lbs
NAVHDA NA:  112 PZ1, UT 167 NP
N-4 S-4 W-4 P-4 T-4 D-4 C-4

UT:14441 4444 42433

NAVHDA NA Breeders Award (1)
OFA SMU-263G27F-VPI-Good


IABCA: NatCH Title 2021
Dam: Diava Vom Heideschloss

NAVHDA SM-003169

Color: Brown and White


NAVHDA NA Breeders Awards (3)

Sire: Pixer Jixer VD Chesannehof


Color: Brown TKD


DNA NAV- GS478697

Contact Jeff Mizenko at 425 241-7788

Click on image for pedigree

Oz's Stats:

Reg #: SM-005488

Color: Roan 
Height:  21.75 " / 55cm
Weight:  46 lbs
NA 112 Pr I age 11 months 
N-4 S-4 W-4 P-4 T-3 D-4 C-4

UPT: 129 NP

OFA: SMU-288G24M-C-VPI (Good)

Dam: Robingun's CSI Dottie


NA: 112 PI, UPT 136 NP, UT 196 PI,

OFA: SMU-178E62F-NOPI Excellent

Sire: Vito

Color: Brown & White

NA:  103 PII 

Penn Hip: 0.41/0.36


Contact Rod Jensen at 218 770-2441

Click on image for pedigree


Cedars Point E Litter Spring/Summer 2023

IntCH Brush Dale's You Cant Fence Me In-Yetta

IntCH SH, MH VC Brush Dale's Open Season-Jager

Ties completed 12/31-1/1/23

Confirmed pregnancy by ultrasound 2/07/23

X-ray to confirm litter size week of 2/26/22

Puppies whelped March 4, 2023

All Puppies Are Sold

Our E litter touts it all having been run in show, field and test.  What more could you ask for in this complete package?  Yetta has produced two litters with our stud Gosch's Cir Conn.  The first litter was a NAVHDA NA Breeders Awards litter.  It also produced the youngest SM to achieve a maximum NA score in the breeds history in North America.  Angus Hunts Sirius is pictured above pointing the first of his 6 birds in his NA test at 4 months of age.  Yetta's second litter, our C Litter, again with Gosch's Cir Conn, is poised this summer to have (8) pups run NA.  We hope to see similar results in their testing.  We also hope to see Cedars Point Confident Trulee, a pup donated to the Penn Vet Working Dog Center from the C litter, achieve FEMA Certification as the first Small Munsterlander to list K9 in his name.  He's working on certification in drug, bomb or human detection at the center.  Four pups from this litter were also sold locally here in the Rapid City.  We will be there on test day in June, and prior, to encourage buyers and help them with their pups development as needed.

This pairing boasts two hard charging, pieces of eye candy that have been hunted extensively on wild birds in South Dakota, Minnesota, Montana, and North Dakota.  They have amongst them and their parents (9) NAVHDA NA Breeders Awards.  Not only have these dogs and their parents proven themselves in the field and versatile testing, the pair have also been advance hunt tested exceeding the breed standard requirements.  Jager holds the highest honors for versatile testing in the NAVHDA system and will soon be bestowed Small Munsterlander Club of America (SMCA) Hall of Fame recognition.  He's one of only 20 Small Munsterlanders in 25+ years to achieve this coveted National recognition. Their two owners didn't stop at hunting and testing either! These machines have even been recognized in the show ring as well.  Both pups move elegantly in the field due to exceptional structural integrity and were both awarded Rare Breed Adult Best in Show ribbons at International All Breeds Canine Association (IABCA) competitions in Minnesota and Colorado.  As a result we expect the pups of this litter to be well conformed, ready to hold up to any task at hand-water, field or track, and to stand right down the middle of the breed standard with medium bone density and correct furnishings.  If you're  looking for true excellence in versatility in the Small Munsterlander breed, look no further.  **These pups will only be sold to hunting and testing homes.**  They will deliver! 



Yetta's Stats:

NAVHDA# SM-004834

AKC SS18942501
Color: Brown and White
Height: 20.25" / 51.44 cm
Length: 22.275" / 56.58 cm
Weight: 36 lbs
NAVHDA NA:  112 PZ1 UT: 157 NP
N-4 S-4 W-4 P-4 T-4 D-4 C-4

UT:14442 44134 43422

NAVHDA NA Breeders Award (1)
Penn Hip: R.24 L.23


IABCA: IntCH, Rare Breed Adult Best In Show
Dam: Brush Dale's Escape Artist

NAVHDA SM-003218

Color: Brown and White

NAVHDA NA Breeders Award (1)

Sire: Fuglejaeger Dixon

NAVHDA SM_004151

AKC: SR98806801

Color: Roan
NAVHDA NA: 110 PZ1, UT201 PZ1, IT 168 None

NAVHDA NA Breeders Awards (3)

VHDF: HAE 65, AHAE 176


JGHV: VJP 75, HZP 168

Penn Hip: R.30 L.27


Contact Jeff Mizenko at 425 241-7788

Click on image for pedigree
Jager and Scott at Invitational


Jager's Stats:

NAVHDA# SM-003836
Color: Roan
Height: 53cm
Length: 55cm
Weight: 48 lbs
NAVHDA NA:  112 PZ1, UT198 PZ1, UT 202 PZ1 INV 200 Maximum Score
NA-4 S-4 W-4 P-4 T-4 D-4 C-4

UT: 44444, 44343, 4444

UT: 44344, 44444, 4444

IT 2021 NP

IT 2022 Pass Maximum Score Zia, NM

NAVHDA Test Record here

SMCA-Hall of Fame

AKC: SH, MH, CGC, CGCA, Water Retrieve
OFA: SMU-228G41M-VPI-Good


IABCA: IntCH Rare Breed Adult BIS 2019 Judges Critiques here
Dam: Brush Dales Brown Eyed Girl

NAVHDA SM_002840

Color: Roan

NAVHDA NA Breeders Award (2)

Sire: Brush Dales Doggone Right

NAVHDA SM-003156

NAVHDA NA Breeders Awards (2)

Color: Brown & White

DNA NAV-CO966886

Contact Scott Green at 952 540-7686

Click on image for pedigree

Cedars Point D Litter Announcement Spring/Summer 2023

NatCH BB's Aster and IntCH SH MH VC Brush Dale's Open Season-Jager

Tie completed January 5-8th

Confirm pregnancy by ultrasound 2/07/23

X-ray to confirm litter size week of 2/26/22

Puppies Whelped March 5, 2023

All Puppies Are Sold

This is an amazing  pairing!  Both dogs are hunt test and wild bird hunt proven machines.  Biddable, biddable, biddable.   BB's Aster was the pick of a NAVHDA NA Award Litter.  She scored 110 PZ1 in here NA test at 12 months and scored a 156 NP UT test score.  She ran her UT test in PEAK estrus and her steadiness was atrocious as a result.  Her father, the foundational male of CPK, came a resend away in the Duck Search after a 14+ minute successful find and retrieve from a maximum score, and invite in his UT test, scoring a 197 PZ2.  Both of these tests were trained for by a first time handler, and the owner of CPK.


Brush Dale's Open Season shares a similar, but more prestigious journey, a truly amazing success story.  Scott Green, also a first time NAVHDA handler, owns two male Small Munsterlander and took Jager, his first, all the way!  He didn't just succeed once, he passed two UT test qualifying Jager in both the 2021 and 2022 NAVHDA Invitationals, passing the second test with a maximum score of 200 in Zia New Mexico.  Beyond NAVHDA testing he's taken Jager all the way to Master Hunter in the AKC testing system.  Jager and Scott are soon to be inducted into the SMCA Hall of Fame and are one of 20 Small Munsterlanders since their arrival in this country, roughly 25 years ago to achieve a NAVHDA Versatile Chamption title.  Beyond that Scott and Jager are both genuine and true gentlemen!  They embody the best in our breed and handler.  Feel free to reach out to Scott to get his opinion on this pairing.



Aster's Stats:

NAVHDA# SM-004754
Color: Roan
Height: 52.07cm
Length:  57cm
Weight: 48 lbs
NAVHDA NA: 110 PZ1 UT: 156 NP

NA: N-4 S-4 W-4 P-4 T-3 D-4 C-4

UT: 33442 43132 43432

OFA: SMU-257G27F-VPI-Good

DNA NAV- GS487368

IABCA: NatCH Title 2021

Dam: Lakewoods Enchanted Beauty

NAVHDA# SM-003966

Color: Roan

NAVHDA Breeders Award (1)
Sire: IntCH Gosch's Cir Conn

NAVHDA NA: 112 PZ1, UT 197 PZ2

NA: N-4 S-4 W-3 P-4 T-3 D-3 C-4

UT: 34444 4444 44443

NAVHDA NA Breeders Award (2)


Color: Roan
DNA NAV- GS487367

Contact Jeff Mizenko at 425 241-7788

Click on image for pedigree


Jager's Stats:

NAVHDA# SM-003836
Color: Roan
Height: 53cm
Length: 55cm
Weight: 48 lbs
NAVHDA NA:  112 PZ1, UT198 PZ1, UT 202 PZ1 INV 200 Maximum Score
N-4 S-4 W-4 P-4 T-4 D-4 C-4

UT: 44444, 44343, 4444

UT: 44344, 44444, 4444

IT 2021 NP

IT 2022 Pass Maximum Score Zia, NM

NAVHDA Test Record here

SMCA-Hall of Fame

AKC: SH, MH, CGC, CGCA, Water Retieve
OFA: SMU-228G41M-VPI-Good


IABCA: IntCH 2015 Judges Critiques here
Dam: Brush Dales Brown Eyed Girl

NAVHDA SM_002840

Color: Roan

NAVHDA NA Breeders Award (1)

Sire: Brush Dales Doggone Right

NAVHDA SM-003156

NAVHDA Breeders Awards (2)

Color: Brown & White

DNA NAV-CO966886

Contact Scott Green at 952 540-7686

Click on image for pedigree

Cedars Point A, C, and G

A & C Litters Earned NAVHDA Natural Ability Breeders Awards

NAVHDA test results for A & C litters are listed below

IntCH Brush Dale's You Cant Fence Me In-Yetta

IntCH Gosch's Cir Conn-Cedar


Yetta's Progeny Test Report here


A Litter Test Results:

Antares Has Heart Prize 1-107 at 7 mo

Artemis Hunters Moon Prize III-90 at 7 mo Youth Handled

Astor Thunder Chaser Prize I-112 at 6 mo

Angus Hunts Sirius Prize I-112 at 4 mo

Apollo's Mission-Birds Prize II-99 at 6 mo

Aquilla Eyes Birds Prize 1-106 at 13 mo Youth Handled

Alrisha Holds Birds Prize 1-110 at 15 mo

Ajax Our Star Prize 1-112 at 15 mo


C Litter Test Results:

Cedars Point Cypress Prize II-103 at 12 mo

Cedars Point Cinder' Dawn Prize II-106 at 12 mo

Cedars Point Crimson Prize III-92 at 12 mo

Cedars Point Cir Cedro Prize I-112 at 12.1 mo

Cedars Point Cyrus Prize 1-112 at 12.3 mo

Cedars Point G Litter

Ties completed late March

Litter confirmed by ultrasound April 25

Nine puppies arrived May 26, 2024

All puppies are sold


Yetta's Stats:

NAVHDA# SM-004834

AKC SS18942501
Color: Brown and White
Height: 20.25" / 51.44 cm
Length: 22.275" / 56.58 cm
Weight: 36 lbs
NAVHDA NA:  112 PZ1 UT: 157 NP
N-4 S-4 W-4 P-4 T-4 D-4 C-4

UT:14442 44134 43422
Penn Hip: R.24 L.23


IABCA: IntCH, Rare Breed Adult Best In Show
Dam: Brush Dale's Escape Artist

NAVHDA SM-003218

Color: Brown and White

Sire: Fuglejaeger Dixon

NAVHDA SM_004151

AKC: SR98806801

Color: Roan
NAVHDA NA: 110 PZ1, UT201 PZ1, IT 168 None

VHDF: HAE 65, AHAE 176


JGHV: VJP 75, HZP 168

Penn Hip: R.30 L.27


Contact Jeff Mizenko at 425 241-7788

Click on image for pedigree

Cedar's Stats:

NAVHDA# SM-003737

AKC SS185441001

Color: Roan
Height: 22.5" / 57.15 cm
Length: 24" / 60.96 cm
Weight: 56 lbs
NAVHDA NA: 101 PZ2, UT197 PZ2

NA: N-4 S-4 W-3 P-4 T-3 D-3 C-4

UT: 34444 4444 44443

OFA: SMU-198G24M-VPI-Good

IABCA: IntCH, Rare Breed Reserve Adult Best in Show

Dam: Gosch's Nicolett

NAVHDA# SM-002290

Color: Brown and White

Penn Hip: R.34, L.36
Sire: Robingun's All About Lucky

NAVHDA# SM-003302

Color: Roan

Penn Hip R.33, L.30


Contact Jeff Mizenko at 425 241-7788

Click on image for pedigree

Cedars Point B Litter

NatCH Riavas Miss Dakota-Soda

IntCH Gosch's Cir Conn-Cedar

Tie expected complete 4/19/21

Ultrasound Confirmed Pregnancy May 27, 2021

X-ray to Verify Approximate Litter Size June 18, 2021

Puppies Arrived June 21, 2021

5 males and 4 females

All puppies are sold

The B litter received a NAVHDA NA Breeders Award for this litter in 2022



Cedars Point Bring It On Home Prize I-110 at 1y 3m

Cedars Point Brand New Day Prize 1-105 at 1y

Cedars Point Better Together Prize III-102 at 1y 2m

Cedars Point By My Side Prize II-103 at 10m

  Soda's Progeny Test Report here

Soda on point

Soda's Stats:

NAVHDA# SM-004859

AKC SS18999101
Color: Brown & White TKD
Height: 21.75" / 55.25cm
Length: 25" / 63.5 cm
Weight: 54 lbs
N-4 S-4 W-4 P-4 T-4 D-4 C-4
OFA SMU-263G27F-VPI-Good


IABCA: NatCH Title 2021
Dam: Diava Vom Heideschloss

NAVHDA SM-003169

Color: Brown and White


Sire: Pixer Jixer VD Chesannehof


Color: Brown TKD

HD other HD-A

Contact Jeff Mizenko at 425 241-7788

Click on imagesfor pedigree
Cedar after UT Test

Cedar's Stats:

NAVHDA# SM-003737

AKC SS185441001
Color: Roan
Height: 22.5" / 57.15 cm
Length: 24" / 60.96 cm
Weight: 56 lbs
NAVHDA NA: 101 PZ2, UT197 PZ2

NA: N-4 S-4 W-3 P-4 T-3 D-3 C-4

UT: 34444 4444 44443

OFA: SMU-198G24M-VPI-Good

IABCA: IntCH, Rare Breed Reserve Adult Best in Show

Dam: Gosch's Nicolett

NAVHDA# SM-002290

Color: Brown and White

Penn Hip: R.34, L.36
Sire: Robingun's All About Lucky

NAVHDA# SM-003302

Color: Roan

Penn Hip R.33, L.30

Contact Jeff Mizenko at 425 241-7788

Click on image for pedigree

Cedar's Fifth Litter as a Stud

IntCH Muddy Paws Brooks

IntCH Gosch's Cir Conn-Cedar

Tie Completed December 29 and 30, 2021

Ultrasound confirmed pregnancy with puppies expected March 1st

Puppies Arrived March 2, 2022

6 males and 4 females

All puppies are sold

Muddy Paws Brooks
Cedar and his first rabbit

Louise's Stats:

AKC# SS20977502
Color: Brown & White
Height: 20.1" / 51.1 cm
Length: 21.3" / 54.1 cm
Weight: 46.8 lbs
NAVHDA NA:  110 PZ1 15 months
N-4 S-2 W-4 P-4 T-4 D-3 C-4
OFA: MU-231E25F-VPI-Excellent

Dam: Prairie Peaks Adley's April Fool

NAVHDA SM_003890

Color: Roan
NAVHDA NA: 98 Eval

Sire: Fuglejaeger D Jixer

NAVHDA SM_004144

AKC: SR98806801

Color: Brown and White

DNA NAV- GS486506

Click on image for pedigree

Cedar's Stats:

NAVHDA# SM-003737

AKC SS185441001

Color: Roan
Height: 22.5" / 57.15 cm
Length: 24" / 60.96 cm
Weight: 56 lbs
NAVHDA NA: 101 PZ2, UT197 PZ2

NA: N-4 S-4 W-3 P-4 T-3 D-3 C-4

UT: 34444 4444 44443

OFA: SMU-198G24M-VPI-Good

IABCA: InCH, Rare Breed Reserve Adult Best in Show

Dam: Gosch's Nicolett

Color: Brown and White

Penn Hip: R.34, L.36
Sire: Robingun's All About Lucky

13052302 KlM

Color: Roan

Penn Hip R.33, L.30

Contact Jeff Mizenko at 425 241-7788

Click on image for pedigree

Cedar's Second and Fourth Litter as Stud

Prairie Peaks Adley's April Fool-Remi

IntCH Gosch's Cir Conn-Cedar

Ultrasound confirmed June 18, 2020

Puppies Arrived July 22, 2020

Four males and three females

All 9 puppies are sold

Muddy Paws repeated this breeding February of 2021

All 9 puppies are sold

Cedar IABCA Reserve Rare Breed BIS

Remi's Stats:

NAVHDA# SM-003890
Color: Roan
Height: 20.25" / 51.5 cm
Length: 20.5" / 52 cm
Weight: 38 lbs
NAVHDA NA:  98 Evaluation
N-4 S-2 W-4 P-4 T-4 D-3 C-4
OFA: Good

Dam: Brush Dales Hot Stuff

NAVHDA SM_003416

Color: Roan

Sire: Brush Dales Doggone Right

NAVHDA SM-003156

Color: Brown & White

Contact Megan Nienaber at 320.815.4089

Click on image for pedigree

Cedar's Stats:

NAVHDA# SM-003737

AKC SS185441001

Color: Roan
Height: 22.5" / 57.15 cm
Length: 24" / 60.96 cm
Weight: 56 lbs
NAVHDA NA: 101 PZ2, UT197 PZ2

NA: N-4 S-4 W-3 P-4 T-3 D-3 C-4

UT: 34444 4444 44443

OFA: SMU-198G24M-VPI-Good

IABCA: InCH, Rare Breed Reserve Adult Best in Show

Dam: Gosch's Nicolett

Color: Brown and White

Penn Hip: R.34, L.36
Sire: Robingun's All About Lucky

13052302 KlM

Color: Roan

Penn Hip R.33, L.30

Contact Jeff Mizenko at 425 241-7788

Click on image for pedigree

Cedar's First Litter as Stud

Lakewood's Enchanted Beauty-EB

Gosch's Cir Conn-Cedar

Puppies arrived 9/9/18 and19th

Four females and five males

All 9 puppies are sold

Litter Update 11/19/19

BB's Kennel and Cedars Point Kennel qualified for a SMCA Breeders Award and BB's Kennel received a NAVHDA NA Breeders Award with this litter. 

Four dogs tested in Natural Ability with scores as follows:

BB's Auto (Luther) owned and handled by Matthew Phelps-112 Prize I

BB's Adalyn (Liby) owned and handled by Stephen Lehan-103 Prize II

BB's Ace (Dakota) owned and handled by Phillip Bowen-110 Prize I

BB's Aster owned handled by Jeff Mizenko-110 Prize I


EB's Stats:

Reg #: 16042006 KlM
Color: Roan
Height: 20.25" / 51.5 cm
Length: 20.5" / 52 cm
Weight: 38 lbs
NA: 106 PZ1
N-4 S-4 W-4 P-3 T-4 D-4 C-3
PennHIP: R.49, L0.47
Robingun's CSI Dottie:NA: 112 PZI, UPT 196 PZ1, Penn Hip: R.25, L.26 Roan

Sire: Zandor vom Fuchseck 12-0858 KlM-D
NA: 106 Prize I VJP: 68 points UPT: 192 Prize II

Penn Hip 0.23/0.19 KlM-D HD- A

Dark Roan

Contact Curt Kieffer at 319 530-7598

Click on image for pedigree

Cedar's Stats:

NAVHDA# SM-003737

AKC SS185441001

Color: Roan
Height: 22.5" / 57.15 cm
Length: 24" / 60.96 cm
Weight: 56 lbs
NAVHDA NA: 101 PZ2, UT197 PZ2

NA: N-4 S-4 W-3 P-4 T-3 D-3 C-4

UT: 34444 4444 44443

OFA: SMU-198G24M-VPI-Good

IABCA: InCH V1, NC V1, Rare Breed Reserve Adult Best in Show

Dam: Gosch's Nicolett

Color: Brown and White
NA: 110 PZ1

Penn Hip: R.34, L.36
Sire: Robingun's All About Lucky

13052302 KlM

Color: Roan
NA: 112 PZ1

Penn Hip R.33, L.30

Contact Jeff Mizenko at 425 241-7788

Click on image for pedigree

If you're interested in a Small Munsterlander and we are unable to meet your needs feel free to contact us directly and we would be glad to suggest another breeder.

© 2018 Proudly created by Jeff Mizenko.

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